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Eddie Murphy’s ‘SNL’ Audition Involved One of the Show’s Most Controversial Sketches

Eddie Murphy’s ‘SNL’ Audition Involved One Of The Show’s Most Controversial Sketches

Eddie Murphy auditioned for Saturday Night Live (SNL) at the age of 18 and passed the final test, which involved performing the controversial sketch "Word Association." Murphy relentlessly pursued the audition and impressed the producers with his impersonations of Jimmy Carter, Muhammad Ali, Howie Cosell, and Bill Cosby. Despite initially thinking he didn't get the job, Murphy was called back and paired with Joe Piscopo for the audition. The sketch, originally created by Paul Mooney, involved Chevy Chase using racial slurs towards Richard Pryor. Murphy nailed the audition and went on to join SNL.

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Eddie Murphy’s ‘SNL’ Audition Involved One of the Show’s Most Controversial Sketches
