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Good News for California Bees: Governor Signs Law to Help Protect Pollinators From Toxic Pesticides

Good News For California Bees: Governor Signs Law To Help Protect Pollinators From Toxic Pesticides

California has passed a new law, AB 363, which will ban over-the-counter sales of lawn and garden neonicotinoid pesticides by 2025. The law restricts the sale of the pesticide class, also known as neonics, and directs the Department of Pesticide Regulation to analyze the worst uses of neonics and prevent environmental damage. The law also requires a review of non-agricultural neonic uses. Neonics are toxic to bees and other insects and can persist in soil for years, contaminating California's surface waters. The law aims to protect public health and ecological well-being in the state.

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Good News for California Bees: Governor Signs Law to Help Protect Pollinators From Toxic Pesticides
