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After Digging A Wastewater Pipe, New Zealand Discovers Treasure Trove Of Fossils Over 3-Million-Years-Old

After Digging A Wastewater Pipe, New Zealand Discovers Treasure Trove Of Fossils Over 3-Million-Years-Old

During the excavation of Auckland's raw sewage pipeline, a treasure trove of over 300,000 fossils, representing 266 different species, was discovered. The fossils are over three million years old and provide valuable insights into New Zealand's native marine fauna. The excavation unearthed ten previously unknown species, including the oldest known member of the New Zealand flax snail, as well as the first-ever fossil records of ostracods. The excavation also yielded fossils of great white shark teeth, eagle ray dental plates, a sperm whale tooth, and bones from a saw shark. Watercare, the excavation company, collaborated with paleontologists to extract and study the fossils.

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After Digging A Wastewater Pipe, New Zealand Discovers Treasure Trove Of Fossils Over 3-Million-Years-Old
