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Navratri 2023 Day 2: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Offers Prayers to Maa Brahmacharini

Navratri 2023 Day 2: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Offers Prayers To Maa Brahmacharini

Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to social media on the second day of Navratri to offer prayers and blessings to all, invoking strength, success, and prosperity. He shared a sacred song dedicated to Goddess Brahmacharini and expressed his wish for courage and strength for his family members. This act reflects his spiritual inclinations and his desire to bring the country together in prayer and devotion. Maa Brahmacharini is the second form of Goddess Durga venerated during Navratri, and her worship signifies the importance of austerity, self-discipline, and devotion in the spiritual path. Devotees offer flowers, incense, fruits, sugar, and milk to her during worship. The color associated with her worship is yellow, and her blessings are sought for wisdom, knowledge, success, and inner strength.

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Navratri 2023 Day 2: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Offers Prayers to Maa Brahmacharini
