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As Tesla price cuts concede billions in sales, investors push Elon Musk to finally spend on ads

As Tesla Price Cuts Concede Billions In Sales, Investors Push Elon Musk To Finally Spend On Ads

Investors are pressuring Tesla CEO Elon Musk to start spending on major media campaigns as the company's growth in unit sales lags. Shareholders have challenged Musk on this issue at the annual shareholder meeting, suggesting that advertising could help showcase Tesla's features and advantages. However, Tesla has only spent minor amounts on online and social advertising while continuing to rely on price cuts. The recent round of price cuts is estimated to cost Tesla $2 billion per year. Critics argue that Tesla should reconsider its strategy and allocate more funds to advertising to increase demand for its vehicles.

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As Tesla price cuts concede billions in sales, investors push Elon Musk to finally spend on ads
