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Manipur Missing Students Case: Prime Suspect Arrested in Pune, Probe Underway

Manipur Missing Students Case: Prime Suspect Arrested In Pune, Probe Underway

The prime suspect in the case of two missing students in Manipur has been arrested in Pune, Maharashtra. The suspect, a 22-year-old resident of Pune, was apprehended with the help of the CBI's anti-corruption unit and has been granted custody till October 16. The missing students, Phijam Hemanjit and Hijam Linthoingambi, were last seen on CCTV footage riding a motorbike on July 6. The case gained national attention after disturbing images, allegedly showing their lifeless bodies, emerged. The Manipur government has classified the case as a "missing persons" case until their bodies are found.

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Manipur Missing Students Case: Prime Suspect Arrested in Pune, Probe Underway
