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Minnesota Cat Sanctuary Unveils New Outdoor Playground for Feral Rescues: “People care about them”

Minnesota Cat Sanctuary Unveils New Outdoor Playground For Feral Rescues: “People Care About Them”

Furball Farm, a cat sanctuary in Faribault, Minnesota, has unveiled a new outdoor playground for feral rescues. Founder Julie Maverts started the farm six years ago and has taken in hundreds of strays, rehabilitating them and finding them homes. The outdoor structure allows the cats to enjoy nature while also providing them with love and affection from humans. The sanctuary only accepts cats that are deemed unadoptable due to behavior, and thanks to donations, they can provide low-cost spaying, neutering, flea, and de-worming treatments. The sanctuary is kept clean by a team of volunteers, and visiting hours are between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.

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Minnesota Cat Sanctuary Unveils New Outdoor Playground for Feral Rescues: “People care about them”
