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Why Meta, X and TikTok face more pressure from Europe than the U.S. on Israel-Hamas war disinformation

Why Meta, X And TikTok Face More Pressure From Europe Than The U.S. On Israel-Hamas War Disinformation

Top European regulator Thierry Breton has warned social media platforms like Meta, TikTok, and X (formerly Twitter) to stay vigilant about disinformation and violent posts related to the Israel-Hamas conflict. Breton reminded them that failure to comply with Europe's rules about illegal online posts could result in penalties under the Digital Services Act. Such warnings and regulations go beyond what would be possible in the US, where the First Amendment protects various forms of speech. The US government's efforts to moderate misinformation have faced legal challenges, with courts ruling that it violated the First Amendment.

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Why Meta, X and TikTok face more pressure from Europe than the U.S. on Israel-Hamas war disinformation
