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The World Is Not Ready for r/Frasier

The World Is Not Ready For R/Frasier

The article discusses the passionate fanbase of the classic television show "Frasier" as it returns after nearly twenty years. The fans on the Reddit forum r/Frasier are shown to be excited about the show's comeback, with some celebrating with themed food and wine, while others visit a "Frasier" food truck. The subreddit is filled with discussions about the first episode without spoilers, and a post titled "REVIVAL EPISODE 1 MEGATHREAD" has received almost 700 comments. Overall, fans seem to be pleased with the return of the show.

The post The World Is Not Ready for r/Frasier appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

This post first appeared on Balanced News Summary, please read the originial post: here

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The World Is Not Ready for r/Frasier
