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U.S. provides $12 million in aid for Afghan earthquake relief

U.S. Provides $12 Million In Aid For Afghan Earthquake Relief

The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan after multiple earthquakes killed nearly 1,200 people and destroyed villages in the western Herat province. Over 2,000 people were injured, and 12 villages with over 1,000 homes were completely destroyed. The earthquakes occurred while Afghanistan is already facing a severe humanitarian crisis, with 15 million people unsure of their next meal. The US had frozen $7 billion in Afghan central bank assets, and analysts argue that some of these funds should be released to address the unfolding crisis. Additionally, an explosion in a Shiite mosque in Baghlan province killed several worshippers.

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U.S. provides $12 million in aid for Afghan earthquake relief
