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Sask. Parental Bill of Rights to be introduced, notwithstanding clause invoked

Sask. Parental Bill Of Rights To Be Introduced, Notwithstanding Clause Invoked

The Saskatchewan government will introduce Bill 137, the Parental Bill of Rights, and invoke the notwithstanding clause, which would prevent any judicial review of the legislation. The bill is expected to resemble a policy introduced in August regarding name and pronoun use in schools, where schools would require parental permission for students under 16 to be addressed by their chosen name or pronoun. The policy was challenged in court, and after an injunction was granted, Premier Scott Moe announced the use of the notwithstanding clause to protect the policy. The decision has sparked opposition and criticism from various groups.

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Sask. Parental Bill of Rights to be introduced, notwithstanding clause invoked
