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Bankman-Fried was very concerned about his image, including his big hair, ex-girlfriend Ellison testifies

Bankman-Fried Was Very Concerned About His Image, Including His Big Hair, Ex-girlfriend Ellison Testifies

Caroline Ellison, the ex-girlfriend of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, testified in court about his concerns with his public image and his plan to raise money from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to repay FTX customer accounts. Ellison, who pleaded guilty to fraud, revealed that Bankman-Fried directed her to defraud customers by funneling billions of dollars to sister hedge fund Alameda Research. She also discussed how Bankman-Fried instructed her to create "alternative" balance sheets to hide the true state of Alameda's finances. Bankman-Fried is facing federal charges and could potentially spend life in prison if convicted.

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Bankman-Fried was very concerned about his image, including his big hair, ex-girlfriend Ellison testifies
