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“Luminescent” photo of horseshoe crab wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year prize

“Luminescent” Photo Of Horseshoe Crab Wins Wildlife Photographer Of The Year Prize

Laurent Ballesta has won the grand prize in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest for his photo of a golden horseshoe crab, an ancient and endangered species. The photo shows the horseshoe crab on a seabed in the Philippines, followed by three golden trevallies. The horseshoe crab is critical to human health as its blue blood is used in vaccine development and to test for bacterial contamination. Ballesta's photo was chosen from nearly 50,000 entries. Additionally, 17-year-old Carmel Bechler won the young Wildlife Photographer of the Year title for his photo of two barn owls in an abandoned building.

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“Luminescent” photo of horseshoe crab wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year prize
