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Refusal by Hospitals to Perform Organ Transplants If Donors Are Not Relatives ‘Plainly Illegal’: Madras HC

Refusal By Hospitals To Perform Organ Transplants If Donors Are Not Relatives ‘Plainly Illegal’: Madras HC

The Madras High Court in Tamil Nadu, India, has declared that hospitals refusing to perform organ transplants if donors are not relatives are acting illegally. The court stated that the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994, allows for non-relatives to donate organs. The court expressed concern about hospitals' lack of awareness of the law and called on the state government to provide legal education on the subject to physicians and hospitals. The court also ruled in favor of a kidney failure patient seeking approval for a life-saving transplant from a non-relative donor.

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Refusal by Hospitals to Perform Organ Transplants If Donors Are Not Relatives ‘Plainly Illegal’: Madras HC
