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’13-Yr-Old Gagged with Mud, Eyes Pierced’: Shocking Details as Girl Goes Missing from UP Madrassa

’13-Yr-Old Gagged With Mud, Eyes Pierced’: Shocking Details As Girl Goes Missing From UP Madrassa

A 13-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh, India, was allegedly tortured to death after being gagged with mud and having her eyes pierced with sugarcane stalks. She went missing while returning home from a local madrassa. An autopsy revealed seven deep wounds on her body, and authorities are investigating whether she was sexually assaulted. A murder case has been registered against unidentified individuals, and four teams are working on leads. This incident follows similar cases in the region, including a 15-year-old girl who was gang-raped, tortured, and strangled in June, and a 7-year-old girl found dead with gouged eyes in May.

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’13-Yr-Old Gagged with Mud, Eyes Pierced’: Shocking Details as Girl Goes Missing from UP Madrassa
