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Smartphones with ‘self-healing’ displays will arrive within five years, analysts predict

Smartphones With ‘self-healing’ Displays Will Arrive Within Five Years, Analysts Predict

According to analyst firm CCS Insight, smartphones with "self-healing" displays could be available by 2028. The technology would involve a nano coating on the surface of the display that reacts when scratched and fills in the imperfection. LG, Motorola, and Apple have previously explored self-repairing display technology, but it has yet to be featured in a commercially successful handset. CCS Insight also predicts that HTC will exit the virtual reality industry by 2026 due to dwindling revenues and increased competition. Additionally, the report suggests that Apple may seek more control over the second-hand smartphone market to protect new iPhone sales.

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Smartphones with ‘self-healing’ displays will arrive within five years, analysts predict
