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U.S. climber and her guide dead, 2 missing after Tibet mountain avalanches

U.S. Climber And Her Guide Dead, 2 Missing After Tibet Mountain Avalanches

American mountaineer Anna Gutu and a Nepalese guide Mingmar Sherpa have been confirmed dead after avalanches hit the slopes of Mount Shishapangma in Tibet. Two other climbers, Gina Marie Rzucidlo and her guide Tenjin "Lama" Sherpa, are still missing. The accident occurred at an altitude between 7,600 and 8,000 meters, and rescue efforts are underway. The use of helicopters is restricted due to Chinese regulations. A total of 52 climbers from various countries were attempting to summit the mountain when the avalanches struck. All mountaineering activities on Mount Shishapangma have been suspended.

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U.S. climber and her guide dead, 2 missing after Tibet mountain avalanches
