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‘I would not forfeit the precautionary approach’ to oil production policy, Saudi energy minister says

‘I Would Not Forfeit The Precautionary Approach’ To Oil Production Policy, Saudi Energy Minister Says

The Saudi energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, stated that the Saudi and Russia-led oil producers' alliance, known as OPEC+, is prepared to wait for "real numbers" before adjusting oil production policies. The alliance has already agreed to remove 2 million barrels per day of production from the market, with additional voluntary declines by some members. Prince Abdulaziz emphasized the importance of a precautionary approach and stated that OPEC+ can take further coordinated production action if necessary. He also highlighted the commitment of OPEC+ countries to addressing climate change and using all sources of energy. The article also mentions the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas and its potential impact on crude markets.

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‘I would not forfeit the precautionary approach’ to oil production policy, Saudi energy minister says
