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Born Without an Arm She Now Has a Realistic Prosthetic With Painted-on Freckles and Acrylic Nails

Born Without An Arm She Now Has A Realistic Prosthetic With Painted-on Freckles And Acrylic Nails

Zahra Tabibniya, a student born without a left arm, has found a new lease on life with her realistic prosthetic limb. She had previously felt embarrassed and tried different prosthetics, but now has a lightweight one that looks real and allows her to do everyday tasks. The silicone prosthetic has painted-on veins, freckles, moles, and even acrylic nails. Zahra feels like she has gained around 60% function in her new arm and uses TikTok to educate people about her disability. She hopes that by being open and answering questions, she can help others become more educated.

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Born Without an Arm She Now Has a Realistic Prosthetic With Painted-on Freckles and Acrylic Nails
