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I left the U.S. for Denmark. Now I pay $2,100/month to live in a luxury apartment—and I’m much happier here. Look inside

I Left The U.S. For Denmark. Now I Pay $2,100/month To Live In A Luxury Apartment—and I’m Much Happier Here. Look Inside

The article is about a woman named Ilana Buhl who moved from Texas to Denmark to join her husband. They now live in a luxury apartment in Copenhagen, paying $2,100 per month for rent. The apartment has two bedrooms, a modern bathroom, and a kitchen with good storage options. They enjoy the family-friendly neighborhood, with many amenities within walking distance. Despite the high cost of living, Buhl is happier in Copenhagen and appreciates the better job satisfaction and public transportation. They may eventually move for more space but love living in the city.

The post I left the U.S. for Denmark. Now I pay $2,100/month to live in a luxury apartment—and I’m much happier here. Look inside appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

This post first appeared on Balanced News Summary, please read the originial post: here

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I left the U.S. for Denmark. Now I pay $2,100/month to live in a luxury apartment—and I’m much happier here. Look inside
