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Man charged in 2021 Colorado supermarket mass shooting ruled mentally competent to stand trial

Man Charged In 2021 Colorado Supermarket Mass Shooting Ruled Mentally Competent To Stand Trial

A judge has ruled that Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, the man accused of killing 10 people in a 2021 shooting rampage at a Colorado supermarket, is mentally competent to stand trial. The ruling comes after experts at a state mental hospital determined that Alissa was competent. Alissa, who has schizophrenia, is now able to understand court proceedings and contribute to his own defense. He is charged with murder and multiple attempted murder counts in connection with the shooting spree. The judge has scheduled a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence for the case to proceed to trial.

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Man charged in 2021 Colorado supermarket mass shooting ruled mentally competent to stand trial
