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MS Swaminathan Was a Farmers’ Scientist, Nurtured Countless Minds, Writes PM Modi

MS Swaminathan Was A Farmers’ Scientist, Nurtured Countless Minds, Writes PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Professor MS Swaminathan, who recently passed away, calling him a visionary who revolutionized agricultural science in India. Swaminathan's work in agriculture, particularly in wheat breeding, led to a significant increase in wheat production and turned India into a self-sufficient nation. He was known as the "Father of the Indian Green Revolution." Modi highlighted Swaminathan's emphasis on sustainable agriculture and his dedication to improving the lives of small farmers, as well as his role as an institution builder and mentor. The Prime Minister urged the continuation of Swaminathan's principles and the championing of farmers' causes.

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MS Swaminathan Was a Farmers’ Scientist, Nurtured Countless Minds, Writes PM Modi
