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Little Known Ancient Site in Ohio Crowned by UNESCO–for Incredible Alignment with Moon and Sun

Little Known Ancient Site In Ohio Crowned By UNESCO–for Incredible Alignment With Moon And Sun

The Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks in Ohio has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. These ancient earthen mounds, built between 2,000 and 1,600 years ago, are described as "complex masterpieces of landscape architecture" with precise geometric shapes and alignments with the sun and moon. The site was used by dispersed Native American communities for worship and gathering. The mounds contain artifacts from various regions of North America. The site's significance faded around 400 CE and was eventually covered by trees. It now joins other ancient sites on the UNESCO list, providing insights into early organized societies.

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Little Known Ancient Site in Ohio Crowned by UNESCO–for Incredible Alignment with Moon and Sun
