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U.N. to probe strike on small Ukrainian village that killed 51 people

U.N. To Probe Strike On Small Ukrainian Village That Killed 51 People

A Russian rocket strike hit the small Ukrainian village of Hroza, killing at least 51 people, including children, who had gathered for a wake. Another missile attack in the city of Kharkiv killed a 10-year-old boy and his grandmother. The United Nations human rights office has sent a field team to investigate the attack, suspecting it was a Russian missile. U.S. public support for sending more aid to Ukraine has fallen to 41%, and with U.S. funding frozen, concerns about the future of American support for Ukraine are growing. Russia's lawmakers are discussing revoking ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty as a response to the United States.

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U.N. to probe strike on small Ukrainian village that killed 51 people
