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Heavy-Lift Drone Can Haul 220-Pounds of Cargo for Delivery, Aid, or Construction Companies

Heavy-Lift Drone Can Haul 220-Pounds Of Cargo For Delivery, Aid, Or Construction Companies

A heavy-lifting drone called the FB3 is now available for sale in Europe and can carry loads of over 200 pounds. It is versatile and can be used by delivery and logistics companies, forestry and logging, and for disaster relief. The drone has been extensively tested and can transport 147 pounds in its cargo hold or 220 pounds in a basket or sling. It is seen as a valuable asset for various industries including telecom, renewable energy, and construction. The drone is priced at $76,500 and comes with a control console, remote controller, replacement batteries, and cargo attachments.

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Heavy-Lift Drone Can Haul 220-Pounds of Cargo for Delivery, Aid, or Construction Companies
