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Peak crude demand is fueling anger and argument in the world of oil

Peak Crude Demand Is Fueling Anger And Argument In The World Of Oil

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and OPEC are engaged in a dispute over peak oil demand, which refers to the point when global crude demand reaches its highest level and begins to decline. The IEA predicts peak oil demand will occur by 2030, while OPEC disagrees and warns of dire consequences for the global economy if crude oil investments decrease. The clash highlights the tension between climate change concerns and the need for energy security. Oil companies argue for a dual approach, emphasizing the importance of the hydrocarbons sector in achieving an energy transition. The United Arab Emirates, OPEC's third-largest oil producer, is preparing for future demand growth while promoting its sustainability campaigns. Climate scientists warn of the damage to come if action is not taken to reduce fossil fuel emissions, which account for 90% of global CO2 emissions. The tug-of-war between climate action advocates and the hydrocarbons industry continues, despite calls for collaboration. The upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai will test the commitment

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Peak crude demand is fueling anger and argument in the world of oil
