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Man Held for Killing Private Bank Manager, Taking Away Rs 1.17 Crore from His Car

Man Held For Killing Private Bank Manager, Taking Away Rs 1.17 Crore From His Car

A 20-year-old man named Harshil Patel has been arrested in Gujarat, India for allegedly shooting and killing a private bank manager named Vishal Patil. Patel then took away Rs 1.17 crore cash from Patil's car and dumped his body in a forest. Patil had known Patel for some time, and the crime was planned after Patel learned that Patil was traveling alone with a large amount of cash. The police recovered the cash and arrested Patel after an investigation showed his involvement in the crime.

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Man Held for Killing Private Bank Manager, Taking Away Rs 1.17 Crore from His Car
