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The 25 Greatest Horror-Comedies of All Time

The 25 Greatest Horror-Comedies Of All Time

The article discusses the connection between horror and comedy, highlighting how laughter can defang the terrifying elements of a horror film. It mentions that horror-comedies have been around since the 1940s but became more popular in the 1970s with the rise of the horror genre. The author presents a list of the 25 greatest horror-comedies of all time, ranging from the 1970s to the present. Some notable films mentioned include "The Blackening," "Fright Night," "Jennifer's Body," "The Voices," and "Return of the Living Dead." The article concludes by mentioning George A. Romero's contribution to the zombie genre with "Creepshow."

The post The 25 Greatest Horror-Comedies of All Time appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

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The 25 Greatest Horror-Comedies of All Time
