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2 pollsters killed, 1 kidnapped in Mexico; cartel sign reportedly left with victims

2 Pollsters Killed, 1 Kidnapped In Mexico; Cartel Sign Reportedly Left With Victims

Assailants in Mexico have killed two workers conducting internal polling for President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's Morena party, while a third worker has been kidnapped and remains missing. The incident occurred in the southern state of Chiapas, near the border with Guatemala, an area plagued by violence. Three suspects have been arrested, and a handwritten sign threatening the government, allegedly from the Jalisco drug cartel, was found with the victims. Both the Jalisco and Sinaloa cartels operate in the region, recruiting Central Americans as gunmen. Rural Mexico has historically been dangerous for conducting political polling or marketing surveys.

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2 pollsters killed, 1 kidnapped in Mexico; cartel sign reportedly left with victims
