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Passionate Horror Fan Now Earns Thousands Teaching Creepy Make-Up Looks on Social Media

Passionate Horror Fan Now Earns Thousands Teaching Creepy Make-Up Looks On Social Media

Natasha Jane Wood, a horror-movie enthusiast from the UK, now earns thousands every month teaching creepy make-up looks on social media. Inspired by Tim Burton and Stephen King, Natasha studied special effects makeup in 2019 but honed her skills during the pandemic when she was furloughed from her job. She gained online fame after uploading her sinister looks to TikTok and now has over six million followers on social media. Natasha's Disney Princesses Gone Wrong series, which included gory versions of Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Belle, went viral. She now has a successful YouTube channel and uses her platform to talk about mental health.

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Passionate Horror Fan Now Earns Thousands Teaching Creepy Make-Up Looks on Social Media
