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Burkina Faso: Partisans demonstrate in support to junta one year post coup

Burkina Faso: Partisans Demonstrate In Support To Junta One Year Post Coup

One year after the coup in Burkina Faso, supporters of military leader Captain Ibrahim Traore rallied in the streets of Ouagadougou to show their support. Traore set a goal of improving security and regaining control of the country within two to three months. Demonstrators praised Traore for reducing attacks, displacements, and opening factories for young people. The new regime has focused on a strong security response to jihadist attacks, recruiting civilian volunteers, acquiring drones and helicopters, and building relations with international partners such as Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. Relations with France have broken down, leading French forces to leave the country.

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Burkina Faso: Partisans demonstrate in support to junta one year post coup
