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Whitehorse’s Alpine Bakery temporarily closing, owners blame nearby emergency shelter

Whitehorse’s Alpine Bakery Temporarily Closing, Owners Blame Nearby Emergency Shelter

The Alpine Bakery in Whitehorse, Canada, is temporarily closing due to issues related to the nearby emergency shelter. The owners, Walter and Silvia Streit, live above the bakery and have experienced noise disturbances, trespassing, and the discovery of drug paraphernalia on their patio. Other businesses in the area have also complained about the shelter's impact on the community. The Yukon government has pledged to address tensions between shelter users and local businesses, and a report found that while the shelter provides a critical service, there are concerns about safety and violence. The shelter's operator has implemented some recommendations to address these issues.

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Whitehorse’s Alpine Bakery temporarily closing, owners blame nearby emergency shelter
