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Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Stubble Burning Shot Up by 75% Over The Last Decade: New Study

Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Stubble Burning Shot Up By 75% Over The Last Decade: New Study

A new study conducted by researchers from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) has found that greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural residue burning in India have increased by 75% over the last decade. The study analyzed satellite data from 2011 to 2020 and revealed that carbon dioxide emissions increased from approximately 19,340 Gigagram per year in 2011 to approximately 33,834 Gg/yr in 2020. The majority of emissions occurred during the end of the Kharif season, caused by burning of paddy stubble. Punjab was identified as the top emitter, followed by Madhya Pradesh. Stubble burning worsens winter smog and raises the risk of respiratory infections.

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Stubble Burning Shot Up by 75% Over The Last Decade: New Study
