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‘Starstruck’ Proves That Romcom Haters May Actually Make Perfect Romcom Creators

‘Starstruck’ Proves That Romcom Haters May Actually Make Perfect Romcom Creators

"Starstruck," a romcom sitcom created by Rose Matafeo, has premiered its third and possibly final season. Matafeo initially expressed guilt for making a romcom, questioning the emphasis on romantic love and settling down. However, the show proves that romcom haters can make perfect romcom creators. "Starstruck" explores the challenges faced by a couple in a relationship with a famous movie star and delves into the complexities and difficulties of their love story. The show also features fully realized supporting characters and challenges the notion of "The One" romcom trope.

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‘Starstruck’ Proves That Romcom Haters May Actually Make Perfect Romcom Creators
