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At U.S. Antarctic base hit by harassment claims, workers are banned from buying alcohol at bars

At U.S. Antarctic Base Hit By Harassment Claims, Workers Are Banned From Buying Alcohol At Bars

The main United States base in Antarctica, McMurdo Station, will no longer serve alcohol in its bars starting from Sunday. The decision comes amid concerns of sexual misconduct at the base, as revealed in an investigation by The Associated Press. The National Science Foundation (NSF) clarified that the change in alcohol policy was unrelated to preventing harassment or assault but aimed at improving morale and welfare. Workers will still be able to bring their own alcohol to the bars, and a third venue, the Coffee House, will become alcohol-free but remain open at all hours. The NSF is implementing new measures to address sexual harassment and assault at the base.

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At U.S. Antarctic base hit by harassment claims, workers are banned from buying alcohol at bars
