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911 Audio From Fatal Cyclist Hit-And-Run, Chaos As Apple Watch Calls For Help

911 Audio From Fatal Cyclist Hit-And-Run, Chaos As Apple Watch Calls For Help

In Las Vegas, a cyclist was intentionally struck and killed by a car, with the 911 call made by the victim's Apple Watch capturing the panic and chaos that followed. The retired police chief, Andreas Probst, was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Another cyclist also reported being intentionally hit by the same suspects earlier that day. Jesus Ayala, 18 years old at the time, is facing charges including murder for allegedly being the driver in the fatal incident. The incident was filmed by a 16-year-old, Jzamir Keys, who was also taken into custody for his involvement.

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911 Audio From Fatal Cyclist Hit-And-Run, Chaos As Apple Watch Calls For Help
