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8,198 Idols Immersed on Day 5 of Ganpati Festival in Mumbai

8,198 Idols Immersed On Day 5 Of Ganpati Festival In Mumbai

On the fifth day of the Ganpati festival in Mumbai, a total of 8,198 idols were immersed in beaches and artificial ponds. This included 61 'Sarvjanik' Ganeshas, 7,398 household idols, and 739 idols of Gauri. No untoward incidents were reported during the immersions. Additionally, 3,448 idols were immersed in artificial ponds set up in various parts of the city. The police have deployed a significant number of officials and forces to ensure the smooth conduct of the festival, with thousands of more idols expected to be immersed in the coming days.

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8,198 Idols Immersed on Day 5 of Ganpati Festival in Mumbai
