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Mumbai: 39-day-old Girl Dies After ‘Mentally Ill’ Mother Throws Her from 14th Floor; Case Filed

Mumbai: 39-day-old Girl Dies After ‘Mentally Ill’ Mother Throws Her From 14th Floor; Case Filed

A 28-year-old woman in Mumbai has been booked for allegedly throwing her 39-day-old daughter from the 14th floor of a building. The incident occurred on Thursday, and the accused woman is said to be "mentally ill" with speech and hearing disorders. The baby girl got stuck on the parapet of a nearby building, but she was eventually recovered and taken to a hospital where she was declared dead. The woman, who had lost her eight-month-old son and father recently, is from Surat and was staying at her parents' residence during her pregnancy.

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Mumbai: 39-day-old Girl Dies After ‘Mentally Ill’ Mother Throws Her from 14th Floor; Case Filed
