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B.C. tugboat owner and company fined $310K for fatal sinking that killed 2 workers

B.C. Tugboat Owner And Company Fined $310K For Fatal Sinking That Killed 2 Workers

The owners of a tugboat that sank in B.C., killing two workers, have been fined a total of $310,000. James Geoffrey Bates, the owner, was fined $15,000 and given 100 hours of community service for failing to provide necessary information and training to workers. His company, Wainwright Marine, was fined $295,000 and pleaded guilty to three charges. The victims, Captain Troy Pearson and deckhand Charley Cragg, died when the tugboat sank due to rough weather conditions. The crew had not practiced with safety equipment, and Cragg had not received any training. The sentencing hearing left the families feeling unsatisfied.

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B.C. tugboat owner and company fined $310K for fatal sinking that killed 2 workers
