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10 of the Strangest Things That Have Happened to Artists During a Live Performance

10 Of The Strangest Things That Have Happened To Artists During A Live Performance

This news article highlights 10 strange incidents that have occurred to artists during live performances. The incidents include Drake's father creating a custom bra to commemorate the numerous bras thrown at Drake on stage, Ellie Goulding almost being hit by pyrotechnics during a performance, Smash Mouth's lead singer having a meltdown after bread was thrown at the stage, Miguel falling crotch-first onto a woman's neck during a failed crowd-surfing attempt, Pink receiving a large wheel of brie and a plastic bag of cremated remains from fans, David Bowie getting hit in the eye with a lollipop, Barenaked Ladies receiving boxes of Kraft Dinner from fans, Milli Vanilli's lip-syncing exposed during a live performance, and Ozzy Osbourne biting the head off a bat thrown at him by a fan.

The post 10 of the Strangest Things That Have Happened to Artists During a Live Performance appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

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10 of the Strangest Things That Have Happened to Artists During a Live Performance
