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Airbnb Will Provide Rebates For Hosts To Upgrade To Sustainable Means

Airbnb Will Provide Rebates For Hosts To Upgrade To Sustainable Means

Airbnb has partnered with Abode Energy Management to provide rebates for hosts in Massachusetts to upgrade their homes to sustainable means. The initiative aims to encourage hosts to make environmentally conscious and energy-efficient enhancements, such as installing heat pumps and rooftop solar arrays. Hosts who opt for heat pump installations can receive a $2,000 rebate, while upgrades that enhance weather resistance and energy efficiency qualify for an additional $500 rebate. The move is in line with recently passed legislation in Massachusetts, which offers a 30% tax credit for heat pump installations. The program is Airbnb's first venture into home energy efficiency programs in the US.

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Airbnb Will Provide Rebates For Hosts To Upgrade To Sustainable Means
