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An autoworkers strike trifecta and another speed bump for Cruise and Waymo

An Autoworkers Strike Trifecta And Another Speed Bump For Cruise And Waymo

The United Auto Workers have gone on strike against GM, Ford, and Stellantis after failed negotiations, causing repercussions such as plant idling and temporary layoffs. Lime announced its adjusted EBITDA profitability of $27 million in H1 2023 and its consideration of going public. Germany is considering allowing scooters on its streets, while NYC establishes a trade-in program for e-bikes and lithium-ion batteries. Verkor secured over €2 billion ($2.1 billion) in funding for its Dunkirk gigafactory. Dance raised additional funds and now has 10,000 paying members. Revel raised €115 million ($123 million) for its car subscription business. Turo may be preparing for an IPO. California passed a bill requiring human safety operators for self-driving heavy-duty vehicles, potentially banning driverless AV trucks. Cruise revealed a prototype of a wheelchair-accessible self-driving robotaxi. San Francisco requested a redo of a hearing that expanded robotaxi permits for Cruise and Waymo

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An autoworkers strike trifecta and another speed bump for Cruise and Waymo
