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‘A real big deal’: Biden backs economic corridor as shifting geopolitical alliances fragment the global economy

‘A Real Big Deal’: Biden Backs Economic Corridor As Shifting Geopolitical Alliances Fragment The Global Economy

The article discusses President Joe Biden's backing of an economic corridor linking India with the Middle East and European Union countries, seen as a counter to China's Belt and Road Initiative. The article highlights the shifting geopolitical alliances and economic opportunities for countries caught between the US and China. It also mentions Saudi Arabia's double dipping, as it joins both the China-dominated BRICS coalition and the Biden-led economic corridor. The article emphasizes the fragmentation of the global economy due to protectionism and nationalism and the need for countries to pursue their own self-interests.

The post ‘A real big deal’: Biden backs economic corridor as shifting geopolitical alliances fragment the global economy appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

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‘A real big deal’: Biden backs economic corridor as shifting geopolitical alliances fragment the global economy
