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Varda Space puts off orbital factory reentry pending Air Force and FAA green light

Varda Space Puts Off Orbital Factory Reentry Pending Air Force And FAA Green Light

Varda Space Industries, a startup specializing in in-space manufacturing, has been denied by the U.S. Air Force to land its capsule at a Utah training area. The company is also waiting for a reentry license from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Varda had planned to bring back a capsule containing ritonavir, a drug used to treat HIV, in mid-July but has faced delays. The company has stated that the spacecraft is healthy and they are working with regulators to bring it back to Earth. Varda is using Rocket Lab's Photon spacecraft for this mission and future ones.

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Varda Space puts off orbital factory reentry pending Air Force and FAA green light
