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Hong Kong police question relatives of exiled lawmaker Ted Hui

Hong Kong Police Question Relatives Of Exiled Lawmaker Ted Hui

Hong Kong police have questioned three relatives of exiled pro-democracy lawmaker Ted Hui, who is one of eight overseas activists wanted under a security law. The individuals, including Hui's parents-in-law, were taken to police stations to assist with the investigation. This comes after police questioned relatives of other wanted activists in July and August. The police also raided Hui's in-laws' home. No arrests were made. The authorities are investigating the Hong Kong-based contacts of the wanted activists and disrupting any help or funding for them. In a separate incident, a Hong Kong court sentenced a mainland Chinese student to six months in jail for possessing posters depicting the banned "Pillar of Shame" sculpture commemorating the Tiananmen massacre. Macau authorities have also issued a one-year ban to a street performer known for performing the banned protest anthem "Glory to Hong Kong."

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Hong Kong police question relatives of exiled lawmaker Ted Hui
