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As hungry bears feast in B.C. towns, some people are taking a ‘no snitching’ stance

As Hungry Bears Feast In B.C. Towns, Some People Are Taking A ‘no Snitching’ Stance

Prince George, a city in British Columbia, has seen a significant increase in black bear sightings and complaints, resulting in more bears being killed by conservation officers. In August alone, there were 2,241 bear complaints and 36 bears killed, compared to zero bears killed in August 2022. The rise in bear activity has led some residents to question whether they should report aggressive bears at all. Experts recommend not attracting bears by securing trash, removing food sources, and cleaning barbecues. However, the conservation officer service urges people to report aggressive bear behavior for public safety reasons. Some residents have adopted a "no-snitching" policy and rely on word-of-mouth to warn each other about bear sightings. Other towns in British Columbia have implemented measures to coexist with bears, such as fruit-gleaning programs and education on being "bear smart." It is important to protect bears' wider landscape to ensure their health and safety.

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As hungry bears feast in B.C. towns, some people are taking a ‘no snitching’ stance
