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Phoenix hit 110 degrees on 54 days in 2023, setting another heat record

Phoenix Hit 110 Degrees On 54 Days In 2023, Setting Another Heat Record

Phoenix, Arizona experienced its hottest summer ever recorded in 2023, with temperatures exceeding 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 degrees Celsius) on 54 days, breaking the previous record of 53 days set in 2020. The city is on track to reach 55 days of such extreme heat. The average daily temperature in June, July, and August was 97 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius), surpassing the previous record set three years ago. The heatwave is part of a larger trend of global warming, with last month being the hottest August ever recorded worldwide. Maricopa County, where Phoenix is located, is also expected to set a record for heat-associated deaths this year.

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Phoenix hit 110 degrees on 54 days in 2023, setting another heat record
