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Scientists Manage to Generate Electricity From the Deadly E-coli Bacteria in New Breakthrough

Scientists Manage To Generate Electricity From The Deadly E-coli Bacteria In New Breakthrough

Scientists from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne have successfully engineered E. coli bacteria to generate electricity, which could have implications for waste water treatment and energy production. By using a process called extracellular electron transfer, the researchers were able to create a complete pathway for electricity generation within the bacteria, resulting in a three-fold increase in electrical current compared to previous methods. The engineered E. coli was able to thrive in brewery wastewater, demonstrating its potential for large-scale waste treatment. The flexibility of the bacterium's genetics also makes it a versatile tool for sustainable technology development.

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Scientists Manage to Generate Electricity From the Deadly E-coli Bacteria in New Breakthrough
