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Amid Devastation and Mud, Brazil Buries Victims of Cyclone

Amid Devastation And Mud, Brazil Buries Victims Of Cyclone

A cyclone in southern Brazil has left at least 42 people dead and affected around 150,000 people, with many losing their homes or being isolated due to landslides. Mourners in the state of Rio Grande do Sul buried their loved ones in muddy conditions, with heavy rains and strong winds causing damage to cemeteries. Muçum, a municipality in the state, was hit the hardest by floods and landslides. The death toll has now risen to 42, with 46 people still missing. The cyclone caused economic losses of over $270 million. Pope Francis has expressed his solidarity with the affected communities.

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Amid Devastation and Mud, Brazil Buries Victims of Cyclone
