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Meta’s VR technology is helping to train surgeons and treat patients, though costs remain a hurdle

Meta’s VR Technology Is Helping To Train Surgeons And Treat Patients, Though Costs Remain A Hurdle

Virtual reality (VR) technology is being used in the medical field to train surgeons and treat patients. Doctors at Kettering Health Dayton in Ohio used VR headsets to simulate a shoulder-replacement surgery, allowing them to practice and fine-tune their skills with zero risk to the patient. The use of VR in healthcare is showing potential in improving health outcomes, although the cost-effectiveness of the technology remains uncertain. Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has invested billions in VR and augmented reality (AR), while Apple is preparing to enter the VR market with its own headset. VR has also been used in pain treatment and is being explored for various conditions including gastrointestinal issues and mental health. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is using extended reality at over 160 facilities for pain management, therapy, and rehabilitation.

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Meta’s VR technology is helping to train surgeons and treat patients, though costs remain a hurdle
